X-DOG Canned dog food chicken and rabbit in sauce 24x85g=1.7kg

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12,48 $
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The combination of chicken and rabbit in meat sauce is an incredibly tasty and healthy diet for your dog. The balanced formula contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids and the entire necessary complex of vitamins and minerals. Daily consumption of high-quality complete food made from natural ingredients will keep your pet healthy and in excellent physical condition for many years to come. Ingredients: meat and offal at least 45% (including rabbit, at least 5%), cereals (rice), vitamins and minerals. Nutritional value (100g): proteins - 11.0 g, fats - 2.0 g, ash - 2.0 g, fiber - 0.5 g, moisture - 80.0 g. Calcium - 0.2%, phosphorus - 0.15% Vitamin A - not less than 150 IU, vitamin E - not less than 1 mg. Energy value: 63 kcal/264 kJ.
  • category:
    Canned food for dogs
  • name:
    X-DOG Canned dog food chicken and rabbit in sauce 24x85g=1.7kg
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